

Hello you,

Thanks for clicking on the link and being curious about my Monday's musings.

We have had four weeks about Food Cravings and by now, I am sure you have got the message! I am re-running Body Magic starting at the end of May and if you want to sign up here is the link www.baya.ie/BodyMagic

But this is not what I want to talk about this morning. This morning, I want to tell you about an Experiment I am involved in.

A really good friend of mine has started this 30 Days Experiment on Fa…

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Dear Reader,


A bit more on Food addiction and cravings. It is a terrible thing that people who are addicted to food, like I am, do not get a look in really.

We are told to pull ourselves together, to use our willpower. We are told that we are just lazy and to make an effort.

It is all our fault, somehow.

There is no help out there apart from diets and deprivation.

The problem with all of that is that will power does not work, never has and never will.

Do you know why?

Because research …

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Good news?


Dear Reader,

Have you been listening to the news, lately?

We should call them The Bad News because, lets face it, it all about whatever is wrong on this world and frankly, there is so much of it I want to hide under my bed most mornings!

In the olden days, at the end of the BBC News, there was always some silly item of Good News to somehow leave you with a bit of a smile. Some giraffe had given birth or someone had done something nice.

All gone now.

So, what to do?

I mean, what to do if th…

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Dear Reader,

How are you finding the series of blog posts of Food Cravings?

Did I tell you that it is because I knew about the feelings that made me overeat that I started following my own Body Magic Program again in March 2020?

As the world was locking itself up and people were terrified of all sorts of horrible things happening to their families, I thought to myself.

What do I do when I feel anxious/sad/angry?


I eat too much!

Do I want to put on weight again? NO!

So, I started us…

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Dear Reader,

How is it going for you, this 2022?


How would you like it to go?


What do you mean you feel you have no control over the situation? Well, I beg to differ which is why I thought I would introduce you to my tried and tested hope creation technique,


Future Tapping.

It is kind of like Intention setting but with a twist.

Want to know more?

Read on.

Here is what you do:

First of all you write three short paragraphs about what your dreams are for the next 4 weeks. Short pa…

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Dear Reader,

I wonder how you are feeling right now?

I know I am a bit nosy but I thought I would ask. Because frankly things are really really weird, I fear.

Two years ago, our world ended as the Pandemic caused us to become prisoners in our own homes for months on end. No-one seems to be marking this moment.

I am not quite sure that my resilience to stress has recovered.

And now, what with the war in Europe...

Anxiety is everywhere.

Every single person I talk to, every single client, is…

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Dear Reader,

After last Monday's ceremony and tapping session, something rather wonderful happened to me.

I had been listening to calming music in the morning, soothing type of stuff, I thought it was helping me feel more together and centered.

This morning, totally unexpectedly, I suddenly looked down my Spotify list and clicked on my favorite Scottish Band, Wolfstone and the sounds of the bagpipes filled my kitchen with joy. Wolfstone is Scottish Rock music and the next thing I knew, there …

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Dear Reader,

What with all the anxiety floating around. Whether you are off the World or of the World (I hope you read my previous blog on the topic - if not, go and find it!). It has not been that easy to sleep.

The going to sleep part for me is simple, I just do. It is the waking up at some ridiculous hour and starting to mull things over that I do not like very much.

Anyway, this did not happen last night but I had a dream instead. It is not often that I remember my dreams so this must be …

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The Other Shoe...


Dear Reader,

I am sorry I was a tad morose last week. Actually, that is not true, I am not sorry at all. These feelings have to be lived and pushing them down really does not help.

I have a puzzle for you today and I need your input.

I am trying to understand  a North American expression that a lot of my US/Canadian friends and clients use. They will say something like "I am having a great week, but I am waiting for the other shoe to drop"

When I first heard that, I had no idea what they wer…

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Dear Reader,

This morning, as I took my dog for a walk, or maybe he took me for a walk, the jury is out on that one,

I got to thinking of my Monday feelings and how I had got myself into such a pit.

I wondered what had happened to me.

Suddenly, I realized!

I have been too much "of the World" since the end of February, this is what!

I have followed the News, read several newspapers, generally, alright obsessively, kept myself "informed".

Only, I did not, I got myself overwhelmed with stuff…

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