

Hello You!

How are you doing? I am asking because around me a lot of people are not doing so well. Including myself for a while.

So I have questions. I always do.

Have you been

  • Sleeping really weirdly, either waking up several times in the night or not being able to go back to sleep or both
  • Been having nightmares of feeling trapped and not being able to find a way out
  • Suffering from more brain fog than usual
  • Ruminating about past events
  • Felt unable to look forward to stuff
  • or to laugh…

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Hello you,

The BBC has just rung 11:11:11 and Big Ben has called all for one minute of silence. I wonder if the cannons and artillery barrages stopped in Ukraine. I doubt it.

I have received several messages from optimistic friends telling me that 11:11:11 is a new portal, my body is going to regenerate and the world is my oyster if  I can set my mind to it.

Only, as I sit there contemplating the rain pouring down the windows of my study, I am not feeling it. Another huge storm coming over fr…

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Good news?


Dear Reader,

Have you been listening to the news, lately?

We should call them The Bad News because, lets face it, it all about whatever is wrong on this world and frankly, there is so much of it I want to hide under my bed most mornings!

In the olden days, at the end of the BBC News, there was always some silly item of Good News to somehow leave you with a bit of a smile. Some giraffe had given birth or someone had done something nice.

All gone now.

So, what to do?

I mean, what to do if th…

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Dear Reader,

What with all the anxiety floating around. Whether you are off the World or of the World (I hope you read my previous blog on the topic - if not, go and find it!). It has not been that easy to sleep.

The going to sleep part for me is simple, I just do. It is the waking up at some ridiculous hour and starting to mull things over that I do not like very much.

Anyway, this did not happen last night but I had a dream instead. It is not often that I remember my dreams so this must be …

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Dear Reader,

This morning, as I took my dog for a walk, or maybe he took me for a walk, the jury is out on that one,

I got to thinking of my Monday feelings and how I had got myself into such a pit.

I wondered what had happened to me.

Suddenly, I realized!

I have been too much "of the World" since the end of February, this is what!

I have followed the News, read several newspapers, generally, alright obsessively, kept myself "informed".

Only, I did not, I got myself overwhelmed with stuff…

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What to do when Despair strikes


Dear Reader,

You know I hold the torch for hope but, seriously?

This morning, as I was walking the dog/meditating/mulling over my feelings, the only thing I could find was despair.

I was horrified.

You see, I don't generally do despair.

I do hope and pulling myself together, looking on the bright side and all the sweetness in the world.

But this morning,

Just for that walk,

I could only find despair.

So I used EFT Tapping*, because this is what I do. Tapped on the fingers points a…

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