Good news?


Dear Reader,

Have you been listening to the news, lately?

We should call them The Bad News because, lets face it, it all about whatever is wrong on this world and frankly, there is so much of it I want to hide under my bed most mornings!

In the olden days, at the end of the BBC News, there was always some silly item of Good News to somehow leave you with a bit of a smile. Some giraffe had given birth or someone had done something nice.

All gone now.

So, what to do?

I mean, what to do if th…

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Dear Reader,

How is it going for you, this 2022?


How would you like it to go?


What do you mean you feel you have no control over the situation? Well, I beg to differ which is why I thought I would introduce you to my tried and tested hope creation technique,


Future Tapping.

It is kind of like Intention setting but with a twist.

Want to know more?

Read on.

Here is what you do:

First of all you write three short paragraphs about what your dreams are for the next 4 weeks. Short pa…

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Dear Reader,

Before I forget, I have a favor to ask. if you like my musings, would you scroll down to the bottom of the page and sign up for the blog updates? It would help with my new plans and would keep you in the loop. I promise I won't bombard you with emails. I hate that.

Back to the matter at hand.

Have you noticed how we seem to not be able to imagine a future, an alternative to the life we lead these days?

How our deepest desire is to return to "normal", which means basically return…

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Dear Reader,

This morning, as I took my dog for a walk, or maybe he took me for a walk, the jury is out on that one,

I got to thinking of my Monday feelings and how I had got myself into such a pit.

I wondered what had happened to me.

Suddenly, I realized!

I have been too much "of the World" since the end of February, this is what!

I have followed the News, read several newspapers, generally, alright obsessively, kept myself "informed".

Only, I did not, I got myself overwhelmed with stuff…

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What to do when Despair strikes


Dear Reader,

You know I hold the torch for hope but, seriously?

This morning, as I was walking the dog/meditating/mulling over my feelings, the only thing I could find was despair.

I was horrified.

You see, I don't generally do despair.

I do hope and pulling myself together, looking on the bright side and all the sweetness in the world.

But this morning,

Just for that walk,

I could only find despair.

So I used EFT Tapping*, because this is what I do. Tapped on the fingers points a…

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Dear Reader

Between 1968 and 1974, every March, when the rumbling started, my Dad would go down to the supermarket and return with boxes of tinned food.

As the news got grimmer and grimmer with potential war threats in Palestine, the East, or insurrection in France itself, my dad would unpack the boxes. There were special shelves in the garage. To this day, I cannot abide tinned ravioli...

We also had petrol stockpiled in the garage, so we could get away to my grandparents in the country if n…

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The LUXE Way


i have a story for you today, yes, another one!

I hope you enjoy it, it is a really good one, full of dramas and reveals.

Once upon a time,

There was a storyteller. She was extremely successful, very much in demand. She had a diary full of exciting dates, European festivals, Irish events and maybe even, work in the USA. She loved her work and all her costumes. She was happy as Larry (whoever Larry was).

And then

Dark clouds massed on the horizon. The Nasty Pandemic Fairy waved her ebony wan…

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Prague spring

This morning, I really got upset when I heard the European news. Really really upset.

Sobbing upset, quite unreasonable, I thought to myself, what the hell is going on?

And this is not entirely about me and my reaction to the new war in Europe. I expect many people right now are extremely upset, may be too upset.

We have of course every right to be upset, but I was too upset, if that makes any sense. So of course, being me, I got to tapping on it.

"Even though I seem to be unreasonably ups…

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Can you see that bundle of twigs lining the poplars' hedge on my land?

They appeared randomly one very calm day (no wind for a change, unheard of). I was baffled. Why this random collection of sticks?

Then, I looked up and there, up in one of the poplars, I saw a magpie. We have two magpies living on our land. They are a couple and have been around as long as we have. I have no idea why magpies have such bad press as I really like ours. They are devoted to each other and share the hens' food w…

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Why a well? Because, tomorrow is the Festival of Imbolc and the Goddess Brigid who is the patron saint of wells and the forge. Water and fire? Took me years to work it out.

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Tomorrow in Ireland is the official beginning of Spring. Not that there are any actual signs of Spring around, you understand.

But it is undeniable that Spring is on its way.

How do i know that? Well, the evenings are getting lighter, the hens have starting laying again, the sheep in the fields are about to pop an…

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