I don't know about you but I am finding it difficult to focus these days and to not get into a state of panic when the tiniest thing goes wrong
or not to randomly lose my temper at the slightest opportunity.
No, I do not think I am going mad, it is just that two years of endless stress have taken their toll.
I keep thinking that I should be feeling fine now that the Restrictions are over in Ireland
they might be over, but people are still getting sick and there are still masks everyw…
Face to Face
Why a photo of camels, I hear you cry!
Well, because I thought it was funny.
What was not so funny, as in funny ha ha, was seeing my first client in my rooms since March 2020.
In Person, we call it now, or Live.
As if somehow in the past two years we had died or depersonalised.
And maybe we did, just a little bit.
Still, I do not like thinking somehow that all my online work with my wonderful clients was somehow dead!
I started pondering what to call this return to a physical enco…
Once upon a time, I was free like a bird, I did not know that, but I was, I could fly wherever I wanted to, hug and kiss random friends and even total strangers with impunity and wear red lipstick at all times.
I could smile with the whole of my face and everyone could hear what I was saying.
Then, the Restrictions started. I cannot recall now what they were called then, I think it was just Lock Down.
Anyway, the Restrictions are being entirely lifted in the UK next week. The Prime Minister …
Overwhelmed? Is that even a thing?
I am entirely overwhelmed, right now, by the amount of times the word is used throughout my day.
Everything, everyone is overwhelmed, apart from my dog and the chickens who could not care less and are loving the rare January sunshine.
The hospitals are overwhelmed, the governments are overwhelmed, the schools are... you guessed it... overwhelmed
and this morning
as I sat at my desk to write the next blogpost, I suddenly thought, O no, I am overwhelmed.
Took a deep breath and started tapping…
Craving normal
What is the opposite of isolated? Populated?
What is the opposite of overwhelmed? Managing ok?
During a ceremony as the New Year, women shared their sense of isolation. Many stated that they could not bear having plans and dreams crushed again and again.
Then someone said, "I guess the trouble is that I keep making plans to take me back to 2019".
I understood her immediately and was amazed. Because I was doing it too. Do you know what I mean?
For example, I dream of going to Paris in April …
So what? It's a New Year and?
The other day, the weather person on the television said "The weather on the 1st January 2022 will be very similar to the weather on December 31st".
And here I was thinking that things would be different in 2022...
Not really, just messing with you.
So why on earth is everyone writing down goals, creating vision boards, and making New Year resolutions?
Because that's what we do?
No, because that is what I want you to do
because, if you do,
you will sign up for one of my programs, …
It's not Christmas' Fault...
It's been a tough one this year, another tough one for millions of us.
Flights canceled, new variants, rising numbers, isolation, a compilation of more and more disappointments as the big day loomed.
Father Christmas came and went but did not bring some of us the gifts of the family gathering we dreamt about.
Father Christmas, it appears is also fully vaccinated... which is kind of pushing the boat out as far as propaganda is concerned. Last year, he was given special clearance by the Irish G…
Merry Christmas?
Ha... Christmas is looming
With all its joys and traditions. Such excitement awaits!
But is this really what happens?
I tell you how it goes.
A lot of people flying all over the place, flights delayed and canceled, frontiers closed at a moment's notice, terrible road traffic, disappointments, etc.
To go and spend time
with people, you have not seen for at least a year or more likely two
with whom you never got on (hence not seeing them for a year or two)
but whom you feel duty-bou…
Full Moon - Is there an antidote to anxiety?
It's the Full Moon on Saturday.
What do I care, I hear you mutter under your breath as you try to remember whether you have bought a present for your neighbour's dog or whatever it is that is making you stressed at the moment.
My brain is tired and frazzled too.
Christmas is in a week and my mind is wondering if my little London family will make it through Wales and actually turn up? What ifs are buzzing around like irritating wasps.
And it is the Full Moon and I like living my life followi…
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