So what? It's a New Year and?


The other day, the weather person on the television said "The weather on the 1st January 2022 will be very similar to the weather on December 31st".

And here I was thinking that things would be different in 2022...

Not really, just messing with you.

So why on earth is everyone writing down goals, creating vision boards, and making New Year resolutions?

Because that's what we do?

No, because that is what I want you to do

because, if you do,

you will sign up for one of my programs, …

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It's not Christmas' Fault...


It's been a tough one this year, another tough one for millions of us.

Flights canceled, new variants, rising numbers, isolation, a compilation of more and more disappointments as the big day loomed.

Father Christmas came and went but did not bring some of us the gifts of the family gathering we dreamt about.

Father Christmas, it appears is also fully vaccinated... which is kind of pushing the boat out as far as propaganda is concerned. Last year, he was given special clearance by the Irish G…

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Merry Christmas?


Ha... Christmas is looming

With all its joys and traditions. Such excitement awaits!

But is this really what happens?


I tell you how it goes.

A lot of people flying all over the place, flights delayed and canceled, frontiers closed at a moment's notice, terrible road traffic, disappointments, etc.

To go and spend time

with people, you have not seen for at least a year or more likely two

with whom you never got on (hence not seeing them for a year or two)

but whom you feel duty-bou…

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