Dear Reader,
For the next four Mondays, we are going to explore Food Cravings and how to use EFT Tapping to handle them better.
What is your craved food of choice?
And that is only the ones starting with a C!
Do you know anything about EFT Tapping?
If not, here is a quick summary
Emotional Freedom Techniques is an alternative therapy for anxiety, post traumatic stress and also helping you deal with food better.
Tapping on different parts of the face and the body that correspond to acupressure points, helps balance energy and reduces emotional pain.
EFT has been proven to reduce Cortizol (the hormone that results in sugar cravings) levels in the body which leads to more relaxation and helps your body to digest food better and might even increase your metabolism.
Ten years ago, after decades of being severely obese and after having qualified as an EFT Trainer and Practitioner, I decided to see if it would help me lose weight. I had tried literally everything!
But those cravings kept coming back!
Next Monday, I shall tell you what happened next and how you can start working with your own cravings, using the technique.
Here is a little gift for you! This is my very own version of the EFT Tapping Points. Print it out and get tapping!

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